
ZOMG, Baltimore, WTF


So over the weekend a Baltimore City police officer shot some dude 6 times (fired his gun 13 times) outside of a bar because- wait for it- the dude grabbed the ass of the officer's female companion. Needless to say, the dude is dead.

Additional fun facts:
1.) Baltimore City police are required to carry their fire arms at all times when within city limits. On or off duty.

2.) Our culprit has been in trouble before for shooting people while under the influence.

3.) McNulty! (end of video totally not work safe.)

I don't have anything to say about this because seriously, what.the.fuck. Though in closing, I would like to remind those of you playing along at home that The Wire was not just a show.


Amanda S. said...

"I would like to remind those of you playing along at home that The Wire was not just a show."

Well said...

Candace said...

In a certain respect it's nice that Baltimore can still do things that result in me feeling something beyond "general simmering disgust". For instance this has engendered "stunned outrage", "horror", "flabbergasted", and just a hint of "gobsmacked".